July 10, 2013

Q&A with indie Stafford siblings The Taskers

Stoke of Genius caught up with Stafford duo The Taskers ahead of their new album release to find out how the brother and sister group have managed to record four albums in just a year.

Sophie Bret Tasker (SBT) & Jack BC Tasker (JT) have experienced some of the best and some of the worst times during their years growing up together.

It is clear that the support of one another helps greatly with the stability of, not just the band, but their relationship too.

The Taskers

Listening or Performing?
SBT & JT: Performing

Rock or Folk?
SBT & JT: Rock

Pint or Wine?
SBT: Pint
JT: Wine

Dinosaurs or Drumming?
SBT: That's a tough one! Drumming, only just

House Party or Quiet Dinner?
SBT: Party
JT: Quiet dinner

Stafford or Stoke?
SBT & JT: Stafford

Songwriting or Covers?
SBT & JT: Songwriting!

Underground or Mainstream?
SBT: Both
JT: Underground

Modern or Retro?
SBT & JT: Whatever sounds good

Pearl Jam or anyone else?
SBT & JT: Pearl Jam, Pearl Jam, Pearl Jam!

What is your biggest passion?
SBT: My biggest passion is the band, but I love art as well.
JT: My biggest passion is art, be it music or writing or any other form.

How did The Taskers form?
SBT: Jack broke up with his cray, cray girlfriend, came back and decided that we needed to rock and roll.
JT: Quick history lesson: Jack lived in Liverpool with an insane Lithuanian woman, they broke up and Jack came back to Stafford. He was offered a support slot for a local rock covers band, Smith & Bates. Jack was tired of singing folk-rock-Frank-Turner-rip-off stuff, so SBT joined him for the gig (for a fee of £10.)
Realising the potential in the tunes, Jack asked SBT to form a band with him. SBT, realising the potential in making money, agreed. SBT never again made any money. Since then, they’ve been blasting on without due care or attention.

How would you describe your sound?
SBT: Heavy, but funky.
JT: Funky, melodic, yet steeped in fuzzy filth...grunge.

What are your main influences?
SBT: We have been greatly influenced by Soundgarden, Pearl Jam, Red Hot Chili Peppers and Weezer.
JT: Pearl Jam, Elvis Costello and Bob Dylan, the list could be endless.

Who would you compare yourself to?
SBT: I would say we sound like a mixture of Weezer and The White Stripes.
JT: We sound like ourselves. Simple.

Who is your idol?
SBT: My musical idol is PJ's (Pearl Jam) drummer, Matt Cameron; talented but humble. My personal idol is my granddad.
JT: In terms of a musical idol it's got to be Eddie Vedder (PJ frontman), but the person I idolise and look up to is my grandfather.

Where is your ideal place to live?
SBT: I would love to live in Darlington, Yorkshire.
JT: Where the people I love are...failing that, the countryside.

The Taksers

Whose life would you love to have?
SBT: My life, I enjoy it.
JT: Sophie’s, so I could see how awesome I am on a day to day basis.

Whose life would you hate to have?
SBT: Jack’s, it must be hard to live in my shadow.
JT: I tend not to think about things like this.

What were your childhood's like?
SBT: It was very free and creative. We were pushed to be unique and artistic people. We visited loads of cool places and listened to great music.
JT: My/our childhood was amazing, we had lots of space to be creative, we were always supported by our parents. Then our mother died – which was shit.

Is there any sibling rivalry between you two? What positives and negatives do you find being in a band together?
SBT: Sibling arguments are mostly comical. Being brother and sister means we can be totally honest with each other, sometimes it hurts.
JT: No, there’s no rivalry, we are both good at different things. The positives are almost endless, telepathic abilities, friendship, band practice at home. Negatives, we share the same friends, so it’s hard to invite loads of mates to a show.

What is your biggest achievement? Musical or otherwise?
SBT: My biggest musical achievement is obviously the band. My biggest personal one is getting my bronze DofE (Duke of Edinburgh).
JT: I think that everything you do adds up to one huge achievement, which is living. I’m pretty impressed I’ve made it through the twenty two years of my life without seriously hurting anyone.

Have you got ambitions not relating to music?
SBT: I would really love to push my art to the next level, maybe small art galleries?
JT: Plenty; learn German, have a family, walk the length of the country…I could go on. Sadly, your life flies by and forces you to narrow it down to the important ones, the ones that make you a better person, the one’s that’ll be fun.

Where do you see yourself in ten years?
SBT: I would love the band to still be going and hopefully have gained a strong following, while still making great music.
JT: The band should have technically released forty albums, if we take this year as an average. I’d like us to be established on the touring circuit. I believe I’ll be tucked up in a cottage somewhere with Pipsy and SBT’ll be nearby.

Jack Tasker
What are you listening to at the moment?
SBT: I’m listening to Alice in Chains and Lou Rawls.

What has drawn you to writing music?
SBT: Experiences in our lives (good and bad) have given us a lot to write about, and we’ve always created music together, from a young age.
JT: You could argue it’s art, you could argue it’s ego. I just always wanted to tell people stuff, things that I saw and thought were wrong or beautiful.

Anything else you’d like to add?
SBT: Nope. If you want fruity last words, ASK JT.
JT: In times of trouble, I often think to myself; ‘What would Tyra Banks do?’

The Taskers' fifth album Rat Residence will be available this autumn.

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